Meet the man behind the ascensional designs of REAL FUN, WOW! Daren Magee is a Californian based freelance illustrator, muralist and designer.

“I am from Ojai, a tiny valley town about an hour and a half from L.A where not much is going on, quiet, sleepy, a very manageable life here.” 

His work is largely inspired by both the natural and supernatural elements, as he delves into the beautiful space between imagination and reality.

“I am fascinated with the rhythm of the planet, in contrast to our days as humans where there are so many factors that can shift what we do and how we feel, the rhythm of the Earth is consistent, it does not yield to influence.”

Daren’s work explores the connection we have to mother nature, with a gentle reminder to honour each other and the Earth, which is largely aligned with our values here at Auguste. 

It is these shared values that led to the collaboration between Auguste and Daren, creating the REAL FUN, WOW! Tees and pouches in a beautiful blend of organic cotton and hemp. 

Daren’s artworks that feature on these Auguste pieces reflect the beauty of mother nature and provided messages of kindness towards one another. 

“We as humans are in the same boat, we all experience pain, it’s about working through that in a consistent and conscious way.” 

Daren’s work has an earthy feel, particularly within the colour palette, which is another reason Auguste was drawn to Daren’s art. 

“I think colour can hold time within it, I always aim for my work to remain timeless and I feel that earth tones accomplish that, I mean, the colour of dirt or a rock or the sky will never go out of style or feel dated.”

Art is not Daren’s only passion, these days Daren is the father of a two and a half year old, which many of you will know is a full-time job. 

“My days are never really consistent, having a young child keeps you on your toes, never settling into a routine, however working for myself allows me the freedom to make my day whatever I wish and spend time with my child.” 

Check out the REAL FUN, WOW! designs in collaboration with Auguste, we think you’ll love them, we know we do.

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