Easily one of the funniest and most sincere women we follow, Nicola Cross has had one big year. Welcoming her first baby in June, the new mumma and her partner Pat have swapped sunsets in Paris and dips in the mediterranean for push prams and miniature onesies – and what a great trade they’ve made. The arrival of their adorable daughter Rosie Bear has brought a whole new adventure to life, far greater than possibly imagined. We spoke to Nicola about her darling bub, becoming a mother, and when they’ll be introducing Rosie to the good old travel bug.

Read the interview below.





Let’s start with a big one. How has motherhood changed your world?

Firstly, I am a TERRIBLE driver now. I used to be so confident and zippy and now I am a snail waiting for a 5km gap before making my turn.

I am also very conscious with where I am investing my time. I want my interactions with Rosie to be thoughtful and slow. I don’t rush anywhere, nothing gives me the sense of urgency it used to.I am sure when she is 3 years old and won’t get in the damn car I will be singing a different tune but for now I am all about a slow, simple and conscious life.

 Can you tell us a bit about Rosie... Who does she resemble? How is she so smiley? What’s her best trick?

She looks EXACTLY like her dad! Such a kick in the teeth! I grew her for nine months, my nipples bled because of her, my body aches, I am up all night singing Wonderwall to her and whose face does she have – bloody Pat’s! Lucky he’s not bad to look at. However, her show-stopping-dimpled-cheesy-grin is all me!






Do you have any advice for new mums-to-be?

My main advice is to prepare yourself mentally for your physical recovery after birth. I put a lot of emphasis and research into the birth and bringing the baby home but I didn’t give any thought to how sore my body would be in the days that followed. The first two weeks everything hurts so do what you can now to make it easier for later. Clean sheets, meals prepped, bottles of water in the fridge, even just some nice moisturiser for your face.  

And, all a baby needs is food, sleep and comfort. Don’t over complicate it.

You and your partner Pat have travelled near and far, documenting oh so many special spots for the rest of us to swoon over. Tell us, where do you plan to take Rosie?

We really want to take her to Positano but the thought of carrying a pram up those stairs makes my stomach turn so that might have to wait. We are currently flirting with the idea of Hawaii for her first overseas trip and then if we’re confident; Croatia.


"I am sure when she is 3 years old and won’t get in the damn car I will be singing a different tune but for now I am all about a slow, simple and conscious life."

How are you taking time for yourself at the moment?

I’m trying to give myself some daily ‘me’ time but it doesn’t always happen. Rosie is currently snoozing next to me and my dog, Atticus is on my lap while I sip my hot coffee.I haven’t showered, there is a bit of spew on my shirt and I am not wearing pants but it’s all good.






What would you say to your pre-Rosie self?

Before I had Rosie I was so scared that having a baby would mean I would lose who I am and lose the relationships I have. I put off starting a family because I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to my old life. I would tell my pre-Rosie self to fear less, you really can have it all. Having a baby hasn’t ended my life; if anything it’s helped me to see the importance nurturing certain relationships and ditching the average ones.  

Is there something you’ve seen/read/heard lately that’s really stuck with you?

There is this lovely artist from Las Vegas called Abbie Paulhus and she posted this quote the other day that I couldn’t help but screenshot: “at one point you’re so in love with your life that you don’t care who judges it anymore.” This describes all my current feels.Every day I look at my girl, my inbox full of legendary ladies, my family dropping off market veggies and I wonder what I have done to deserve a life rich in things much greater than money and how little I care for anyone’s judgement.





And lastly, what’s next?

We bought an old school bus last year, and we are in the very early stages of renovating it to go around Australia! I am sooo excited, I can’t talk about it without a sneaky grin.

"Every day I look at my girl, my inbox full of legendary ladies, my family dropping off market veggies and I wonder what I have done to deserve a life rich in things much greater than money and how little I care for anyone’s judgement."


Nicola Cross wears styles from our Grace collection. 



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