Having devoted the past years to sharing the triumphs and hardships of modern mothers through her beloved publication Mother Muse, Shereen Jupp is a woman we’ve been dying to meet. Not just a storyteller, the Canadian creative is a doting mother, a careful observer, an adventurous guide. It’s what being a mother is about; taking on different roles and making the most of them. 

Captured here with her darling Adaline Rose in matching Auguste styles, Shereen shares her insight into motherhood.

Read the interview below.

Mother Muse

Mini & Me

Let’s start with your publication Mother Muse. Tell us, how did it come to be?

Mother Muse was inspired through my motherhood journey when I first gave birth to my beautiful daughter, Adaline Rose. I struggled with postpartum depression being a young mother and not resonating with the things I loved prior to motherhood. The coffee table book is a highlight of high-end fashion and lifestyle with a focus on motherhood. It is filled with original artwork, articles, interviews and editorials.

Mother MuseOver the years, we’re sure there have been many meaningful interviews. Are there any words that have stuck with you more than others?

Recently, Mother Muse No.11 just launched and I spoke with actress Claire Holt. She is a new mother and her honesty about motherhood in the early stages really resonated with me. Her interview is so humbling and real. I admire women like this, there is strength in vulnerability. 

Where do you find your mother muses? What do you look for?

Diversity, authenticity, and empowerment.

It’s important for me to showcase powerful women that have a voice that can impact some mothers who feel alone or maybe aren’t ready to share their experiences.



mother Muse

You have two beautiful little ones yourself. How has your role as a mother changed the way you view the world?

It's changed my view in every way possible. I am a better person since becoming a mother – my children teach me life lessons every day and how to love unconditionally with patience and understanding. Becoming a mother has helped me really appreciate life and to live in the moment – and to live more sustainably and ethically. When we are gone we leave our children with how we left the earth. We want them to grow up feeling safe and surrounded with Mother Nature. I don't ever want my children not to experience the beauty that has been given to us on earth, so teaching them to love nature, take care of it and be outside is extremely important. This is something I thought about prior to motherhood but really focus on now that I am in it.

Mother MuseAnd how has it changed the way you dress?

There is a sense of confidence that comes with motherhood. I feel more in tune with who I am in terms of the woman I am today. I would say that I feel more confident in being undefined. Prior to motherhood I would feel self-conscious not having a classified style. I would wear anything from boho chic dresses to a beautiful classic pant suit. I felt that because I was not defined to a style others wouldn't understand or relate to me. As women we constantly evolve, and embracing the undefined versions of ourselves is okay. This confidence came after motherhood when I realised it's okay that in the summer time I am super bohemian and in the fall and winter I dress more Parisian – it’s okay to want to explore our options. 



Mother Muse

We’ve loved following you and your devotion to modern mothers for quite some time, not to mention your adorable family. What was it that drew you to work with Auguste?

I have loved Auguste for such a long time. Besides the quality of each incredibly crafted piece, the campaigns and models speak to me. I admire that Auguste represents women of sizes, races and their natural state. This kind of representation is a celebration of authentic beauty, this is what I want my daughter to see in fashion campaigns. It teaches women to celebrate each other. Auguste is more than just clothing – it is a celebrated space for women and I hope to continue working with them. 



Mother Muse

Lastly, what’s something everyone should try at least once with their kids?

A roadtrip!


Mother Muse

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