Our bodies tell stories, far too great for the pages of books. The curves of a woman speak to her ability to give life, the lines in her skin tell tales of her experiences and her scars show that she can overcome anything. We are blessed to not be alone in this journey; as women we share an intrinsic connection to each other, experiencing life in a uniquely feminine way. Our bodies are all different, our minds are all our own and our hearts experience love in different ways, yet we are all daughters, sisters, mothers, grandmothers and friends. 

Prologue is a celebration of this boundless bond, which is why we chose to work with some beautiful women in our latest campaign. Each in different stages of their lives, with different passions and journeys yet an amazing sense of compassion for one another. Let us introduce you to the beautiful faces behind Prologue. 

Meet our youngest model, Coco! The daughter of our Head Designer & the Founder of Auguste, Coco takes after her mum in so many beautiful ways. Just like her mum, Coco loves horses with dreams of being a professional horse rider one day. Watching Coco interact with different generations of women in different stages of life on the set of the Prologue shoot, was so incredible.

If you could be anything in the world, what would you want to be when you grow up?

I’d be a professional horse rider and a skier. Maybe a horse rider in summer and a skier in the winter seasons.

It’s pretty cool that your mum started her own business, creating Auguste The Label. Are you proud of mum?

Answer: Heck yeah! My mum is so cool. She works super hard!

What is something your mum says to you all of the time? 

I love you…. She says that ALLLLLLLL the time.

Meet Kieta, we love this sun-kissed goddess's laidback attitude. Recently married here in Byron Bay, Kieta has taken on this new chapter of her life. Her magical day was nothing short of magic, wearing the most elegant, minimalist silk dress on such a dreamy day here in the Northern Rivers. A self-proclaimed nerd, Kieta is currently completing her second degree in human science. This natural beauty embodies many of the things we value here at Auguste: her free spirit, passion for healthy living and the planet, and her strong family values.

What has been your greatest challenge in life/ learning curb?

Oh wow, where do I start, haha.

So I am a very analytical person, and have a bad habit of finding a million reasons not to do certain things. But one thing I have learnt is if you always play it safe, and always know the outcome, you stop yourself from experiencing the magic of life. Now when something comes along and I think “oh that could be really good to do/try/make work”, I know I have to give it a go.

We love the idea that our lives are full of chapters, what were some of the chapters you have opened and closed throughout your life so far?

I think by far my most loved chapter in my life I've opened is marrying my husband Max. Up until I met Max, I’d been fiercely independent. It’s been a beautiful (and new) experience sharing my life with someone so openly. Max sees the world differently to me at times, and it’s such a wonderful experience seeing a different perspective. I love this new chapter, building our life together, supporting each other's dreams and having someone there to share the good and not so good times with.

You recently got married, congratulations. Tell us a bit about the transition from being a single, independent woman to being a part of a partnership? What have you found to be the most amazing thing about marriage so far and the most difficult?

Thank you so much. As I mentioned earlier, I am a fiercely independent person. When I was single I remember telling myself “ok, you are going to embrace this. Go out, create the life you want, and just do it. But when I met Max, I remember realising all these fun things I was doing when single, were even more fun when Max joined me. Max and I had to deal with some big things as soon as we got together and we immediately became stronger going through it all together. I had a death in the family, Max’s mum was diagnosed with cancer, my dad had an emergency heart operation, the closing of a business..but one thing we learnt was it was the small things that made everything seem lighter.

Magnetic, effervescent & beautifully curvaceous - meet our model, Jess. Oozing talent, Jess wears many hats: a content creator, writer, podcaster, model, body positivity & women of colour activist, just to name a few. We are so inspired by Jess, not only for having the courage to stand up for what she believes in but for also showing that women really can do it all!


You have such a warm and positive energy about you, what would be your mantra to live by?

That’s so nice of you to say because I love it when people feel that warm energy from others. I think there’s so much truth to that old saying, ‘It’s not what you say, it’s how you make people feel.’

I know I’m not perfectly behaved all the time — if I’m having a bad day I can probably beep my horn too much in traffic or get shirty and short with people, just like everyone else, but I try and remember that I have to take some responsibility for the energy I bring into any situation. How I treat people reinforces how I feel about myself. I think I just try to remember that everyone you encounter has their own stuff going on privately—life is so tough in many ways—you can have a bit more grace for people, you can have a bit more love and grace for yourself which makes life feel a bit more enjoyable. 

How have you found the experience of being a curvy girl in the fashion industry, what has been most difficult? Have you seen a shift in attitude in recent years?

In recent years there’s been a shift in showcasing diversity for sure. But, as I always caveat this question, there’s still so much more to do. There needs to be that reflex from brands and art directors and anyone in charge, to have a look at the talent they highlight and think, “Can a whole range of people see themselves reflected here?” I can’t wait for that to be second nature for people across the board in fashion and media in general.

We pride ourselves on creating pieces that suit every body type, with a focus on the changes our bodies go through as women - from pregnancy to post-pregnancy to the frequent hormonal changes we all go through. What do you look for when choosing clothing? What was your favourite piece from the collection?

I love that this is the Auguste ethos — it’s so aligned to what it means to be a human being. I love to wear clothes that I know will carry me through the seasons of my life — I’ve had some outfits that I’ve worn at 3 different sizes in my body and loved them all the same. 

Our charismatic, down to earth Mumma model Zoe, has such a refreshing presence attitude. Zoe has a very ‘don’t sweat the small stuff’ attitude, taking each day and each challenge as it comes. After a very successful modelling career from such a young age, Zoe traded in her hectic Sydney life for that of a mum to her beautiful baby boy, Wolf. With another one on the way, Zoe has loved the opportunity to slow down and spend quality time with her son.

Pregnant with baby number two and still so young, how have you found motherhood so far, what has been the most difficult and most rewarding thing for you? Do you think there are benefits to being a young mum? 

There are definitely benefits of being a young mum. The most rewarding thing is hanging out with Wolf and being able to have the time to do this. I’m lucky to be able to step away from the industry and spend quality time with my son. The hardest thing is probably getting up at night but I love being a mother and I wouldn’t change a thing.

As a mother, we are constantly faced with challenges and opportunities to learn and grow as parents and people. What has been your greatest challenge?

The biggest challenge has been letting go of expectations and learning to take each day as it comes. Allowing myself to be in the moment and not putting pressure on myself. If I don't get out of my pyjamas all day then that's ok, tomorrow is a new day.

You recently walked away from Instagram, what brought you to that decision and has it been a positive thing for you? 

My departure from Instagram was quite sudden but I had always toyed with the idea of deactivating my account. I guess the main motivation behind it was wanting to be fully immersed in the first few years of Wolf’s life. Not having the pressure to exist online, scrolling endlessly and comparing myself to others also took a huge weight off my chest. “Comparison is the Thief of Joy” - Theodore Roosevelt

Meet our awe-inspiring model, Chrissy. A single mum of four by the age of 30, after having her first daughter at just 19. Having children in her 20s, Chrissy felt like they all grew up together. In March of this year, Chrissy experienced the devastating loss of her eldest daughter Despite enduring such hardship, Chrissy remains a positive light, practising gratitude and maintaining the most beautiful outlook on life and her place in it.

A single mum of 4 children, many of us are in complete awe…how did you do it? What advice do you have for some of our new mums, especially our single mums?

Being a single mum of four by the time I was 30 was hard but being such a close family, we just seemed to make it work.
Sure, there were lots of hard times but there were also many, many good times.

My advice to any single parent is to just do the best you can and your children will benefit in so many ways from having the sole focus of your love and attention.

We love the idea that our lives are full of chapters. What were some of the chapters you have opened and closed throughout your life so far?

My life is full of chapters; most are still being written. The ones that have finished are a lesson to how I live out the others.

As a mother, we are constantly faced with challenges and opportunities to learn and grow as parents and people. What has been your greatest challenge? 

In March this year, I lost my eldest daughter in an accident. Learning to cope with grief can be brutal at times, but I know by facing and embracing my emotions honestly, with no shame and no filter will help me. It means crying when a sad song comes on or crying when a random stranger says they’re sorry. I'm grateful I had the honour of having her in my life for 43 years. I am grateful for the love that she brought to our family.

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